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October 26, 2016
​Las Vegas, NV, USA

International Nightlife Awards



The International Nightlife Association is deeply committed to advancing industry standards and promoting excellence, by offering a professional education and learning program within our Congress.

We aim to provide meetings and events industry professionals of all abilities and experience with ideas, tools and strategies that benefit either their organisations or their own careers. All submissions will be reviewed by a panel on the merits of the content and chosen with relevance to the program.


If you have expertise to share and are interested in becoming a speaker at the International Nightlife Congress, please read these sections carefully before making your submission.

Your proposed session MUST be relevant to one or more of our audience sectors: music festivals, nightclubs, bars, lounges, hotels, resorts; meetings, events and incentive travel planners and buyers; directors or managers from associations, agencies, the corporate sector, the not-for-profit sector, government or other sectors.



The Safe & Vibrant Economy - How does this new economy and security issues affect the way we host events?



Your proposed session MUST fit into one of our 10 education tracks listed below.

"State of the Industry, trends, and opportunities"
"Nightlife and real estate, colleges, transportation, environment"
"Nightlife and quality of life"
"Nightlife and entertainment/music licensing"
"Nightlife and tourism marketing"
"Nightlife food & beverage trends"
"Nightlife and responsible alcohol, drug use, sex, minors"
"Nightlife and safety, and Anti-terrorism security preparedness"
"Nightlife design, construction, operations, and training"
"Nightlife and Tech Trends"

We do not typically compensate speakers for travel or accommodation expenses or pay an appearance fee. However, we can support you and add tremendous value through social media, PR, blogs, the daily newsletter and newsletter coverage.


It doesn’t matter if you’ve presented your proposed session elsewhere before but we DO favor fresh ideas, interesting angles and inspiring new perspectives.


It’s important for you, and for us, that we avoid sales pitches masked as education. It’s simply not in your interests.


All submissions must be made by email by the 24th September 2016, you will be notified of your approval.


We will use the wording you provide on our website, in our marketing materials and pocket guide so it’s worth giving this process plenty of time and careful consideration. You should write your proposal as if pitching to persuade your audience. 

• Your full contact details – name, telephone, email
• A short biography (max 1000 characters)
• A high resolution photo - headshot (jpg, gif, png format)
• Your company/organisation logo (jpg, gif, png format)
• Your proposed title. (captivate preshow marketing and PR)
• Your session description ( max 300 characters) including three learner outcomes or takeaway points (max  160 characters per outcome)


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